The night comes. The city of Beijing is in your eyes. The queue of cars, the immense high buildings, the faint sounds from the passing strangers. But these are not your interests...
You walked at the street, thinking about the start of all these things.
[[Memories->Chapter One]]--Chapter One--The Beginning
It was 1 AM in the Midnight..
One of your best friends has called your phone, but you didnt take it. You were at the bed of your old rented apartment, watching the news on the television about the project government carried out recently. The ''TCCMS'' Project, AKA ''Total Control City Monitoring System''...
[[What is it?->Description of TCCMS]]
[[I already know what it is->report on tv]]No one knows what you are thinking, it never was.
As soon as you realized you have a phone call, you stand up and You tabed your finger at your floating screen and searched this acronym on Google. By running the Shadowsocks framework on an dynamic IP address, you are enabled to search this information without being noticed by Net Police.
You found this massage on the Secreia, an closed encyclopedia that requires a huge joining fees.
"The ''TCCMS'' Project is one the newest monitoring system the government has developed this year. As an state-of-the-art network technology, ''TCCMS'' is used to serve the purpose of monitoring the city precisely and efficiently. By recording each citizen's facial identity and iris information, this monitoring system can automatically recognize you and quickly scan your background information: your name, your job, your birthday, your bloodtype, your fingerprint, your inner family members, your cheecy texts with your girlfriend, your social network, so on and so on."
"It is constructed and located at every streets and every buildings. But since this system has just came out, some of the areas have not been installed with this equipment. It is believed that only the district of FengTai and district of HaiDian were not currently in control. "
[[Keep Reading->Description 2 Interupt]]"Currently," the reporter said, "this system has been installed in every corner of Beijing City. The government is persistently walking toward the goal of making Beijing the safest city in the world, with this technology, the Chinese Special Characteristics Socialism will be achieved with ease."
"Huhh", You thought in your mind while grabing the controller and decided to close it.
"Next news, the leader of China is going to visit-----"
[[?->Sound outside]]The areas that are not currently equipped with this system are still using on-street police to monitor the city, however, these polices are no common cops, with intensive training and advanced weapons, every police is capable of CQC (Close Quarter Combat) and serves as an indvidual unit that are part of the larger monitoring complex located at the Central Beijing. According to the recent casualties reports, it is not a good idea to make conflict with them. However, there are ways, in fact, to play around with them with the use of KH*********@#¥%¥@¥¥¥#@#¥&*……
[[What happened?->Interupt]]-----
[[Shut down the screen!!!->shutdown]]
[[keep watching->arrested]]DU...DUDU...The screen closed instantly.
"Oops...That was a close one..." You murmured to yourself.
Counted more than a minute, you opened the TV again, but you didn't dare to open that screen.
[[Continue the report->report on tv]]
HINT: As soon as the Net Police found you, you have to immediately shut down all the messaging devices for at least 10 seconds, after that it will be OK for a while.Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!! An uncomfortable sound rushing to your ears
A large sentence came onto your Screen "Location锁定,arresting实行"
Within a blink of a second, a drone flied inside your room from the water tube, shooting laser beams directly at your eyes. "Identity识别"!!
You suddently felt heavy, then the dark consumed you....
HINT: As soon as the Net Police found you, you have to immediately shut down all the messaging devices for at least 10 seconds, after that it will be OK for a while.
p {color: green;}
<p>END achieved ((2/10 An Unlucky Newbie))</p>
[[Go Back To Home Screen->Start]]__________________________ ''A''
-------------------------- 来 ---------------''N''
__________________________ ''I''
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-------------------------- 到 ---------------''H''
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Written by AlanZhang------------------ ''G''
p2 {color: green;}
[[<p2>START</p2>->A Night In Beijing - Prologue]] [[ABOUT]]"A Night In BeiJing" is a fictitious text advanture game inspired by Beijing City, it is is currently in progress.
''Although is a work of fiction, it may have some resemblance to actual locales, persons as well as events occurred.''
Chapter One will be released on ~~Whenever I Finished~~
Thanks for your time, please now enjoy the game!
[[Return to Home Screen->Start]]Your automatic defense system has been activitaed by ''something'' outside your door. If it is a person, it will be really weird to ''visit'' someone at this time.
The alarm seemed ''stopped''.
[[Check out what happened->camera hint]]
[[Arm yourself first->Weaponry]]You took out the sidearms and put them beside your holsters - a Windurger No.2 Silent Pistol, instantly effective for anyone if you shoot them in head; and Geist P3 Pistol, the ability to rapid fire grants it the best suitable choice for dealing with some bothersome raiders.
Then, you grabbed a portable shield and stretched it, it was exactly the size you need.
[[Check out who comes->camera hint]]"Bee", with a faint sound you unlocked your door.
You slowly went back and raised up your wrist with your gun, it seemed like you had been doing this kind of things for a while.
[[Next->No Man??]](The CCTV has been installed in your door side, you will be able to get some
clues first about the newcomers in the screen without being noticed, should you check it out first?)
[[Na, ignore it, it will be ok(Unlock the door)->unlock the door]]
[[Go to CCTV->CCTV]]On the screen there was darkness, your defense bots seemed wrecked.
[[That's strange->strange]]Waited until about a minute of silence, there was still no actions or sound appeared.
[[Open the door yourself slowly->outside the door]]
[[Wait agian->wait]]---
Still nothing happened...
[[Wait again->wait]]
[[Open the door->outside the door]]The door has been opened..
But there was no one here.
Darkness ''outside''.
[[Go to the stairs->F9]]-----------------F9--------------------
Outside your dorm there was staris.
You saw a sign on the side wall--- ''F9''.
---------------What's Next?-------------
[[Go Upstairs->F10]]
[[Go Downstaris->F8]](What's next?)
[[Open the door->outside the door]]
[[I want to wait->wait]]"Bee", with a faint sound you unlocked your door.
[[Next->No Man??]](The CCTV has been installed in your door side, you will be able to get some
clues first about the newcomers in the screen without being noticed, should you check it out first?)
[[Na, ignore it, it will be ok->unlock the door without weapon]]
[[Go to CCTV->CCTV]]-----------------F10--------------------
There were nothing here, during these time, the neighboors' doors were closed tightly.
---------------What's Next?-------------
[[Go Upstairs->F11]]
[[Go Downstaris->F9]]-----------------F8--------------------
---------------What's Next?-------------
[[Go Upstairs->F9]]
[[Go Downstaris->F7]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<img src="" width="500" height="300" alt="Two foxes">